the world is just awesome...

the world is just awesome...
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bila kemalasan melanda

rini,kelas grammar dr halim aku xp gak..aisshh!!!i dun noela ni kali be brape aku xp...y am i like this?semakin malas n semakin malas..this morning,i was supposed to present my lesson plan..but then,bcoz of this kemalasan,i choose to continue ''my tido''..ermm.wat a bad students and the most important,what a bad teacher to week is the 14th week,means, the last,next week aku akan p klas n mintak maap bbnyk n trime kasih tok sume knowledge yg telah dicurahkan pade,maknenye,i will never see him again..never ever listen to the word ''komang'' gonna miss him..

~aduhhhh!!!period pain dtng ag ni..saitnye,tuhan saje yg tahu..dala kol 2  t ade klas..kelas language test..last week i was absent,today,i have to go gak..last week tu,aku tertidonye pasai..camne nak p ni kalau sakit perut n pinggang?arghh!!aku kene kuatkan smngt n p gak..demi dr che ton..dr che ton ni,aku pernah blaja ngan die when i ws in sem 2..that moment,she taught us, is different from teaching of grammar that we learn this sem with dr halim...dr che ton ni tgh sakit skunk ni..pity her..kdng2 kami terlampau buas n malas n terlampau ikut dek jek untill die plak berkeras ngan kami..huhu..apeun,dr che ton,we love u..u r 1 of d best lect ever..

~da r..nk p bersiap tok ke kelas dr che ton nih..huhuhu..

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