the world is just awesome...

the world is just awesome...
twinkle twinkle little stars*******

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~aku br lepas exam language test td..ermm,ok r ..soalan die xde r susah mane..malahan,boleh dikategorikan sbgi disebabkan senang tu r yg aku xexpect lngsng..mase bace2 smlm,aku jus tinggalkan bab2 yg bg aku senang je tuh..ermmm..whtever..i really dun have mood to talk about the paper for now..aku sedih skunk ni..sedih dgn perkhabara yg baru diberitahu oleh mak aku sebentar td..well,i miss my mum a i called her just now..i called her just to know whether she's ok or berita lain yg aku dpt..bullshit bullshit bullshitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...rase nak jerit kuat jek..raa nak menyumpah jek...mmg gelong, ***&&&**,***&&& la mamat tuh..
~i hate him..hate him..aku paling benci kalau ada orang membuatkan mak aku susah hati..benci ssngt..mak aku dah banyak menderita,dah banyak merana selama ni,dah banyak bersusah payah selama ni..di usia yang macam sekarang ni,cukuplah penderitaan dan kesusahan yang diberi..cukuplah..berikanlah kebahagian buat mak aku..bairlah dia bahagia..bahagia yang aku maksudkan bukanlah dengan wang ringgit,tetapi dengan kasih sayang...dengan perhatian daripada anak anak..biarlah mak aku sekarang bersenang lenang...biarkanlah mak aku sekarang hanya mengisi masanya dengan beribadah kepada ALLAH KENAPA MANUSIA ITU TIDAK PERNAH MEMIKIRKAN SEMUA ITU?KENAPA???KENAPA?????????????????????
.~YA ALLAH,KAU bantulah kami..ringankan lah beban yang ibu aku galas YA ALLAH..KAU ampunilah segala dosa silamnya YA ALLAH...sesungguhnya,KAU berikanlan kebahagian dan ketenangan kepada ibuku YA ALLAH..
~sesungguhnya,aku tidak akan memaafkannya jikalau sesuatu berlaku kepada ibuku..itulah yang selalu bermain di mindaku..cukuplah selama ini dia mempergunakan makku..kesenangan yang diberi,tetapi dibalas dengan noda yang sengaja dicalitkan ke muka sendiri dan family...sememangnya dia adalah antara orang yang rugi..YA ALLAH,ampunkan aku..bukan aku berniat untuk mengadili seseorang manusia itu YA ALLAH...tidak sama sekali..tetapi aku tidak sanggup melihat ibuku bersedih di atas perbuatannya YA ALLAH...
~perlukah aku menangis?perlulah aku bersedih di atas perbuatan dia yang sememangnya sia sia an tidak mendatangkan walau sedikit keuntungan kepada dirinya?
~apabila berlakunya sebegini,aku semakin tidak sabar untuk memulakan kerja dan membawa ibuku bersama merantau ke negeri orang..semuanya adalah untuk melapangkan jiwa ibuku..tapi,jika aku membawa bersama ibuku,bagaimana pula dengan papaku?aisshh!!!
~cuma sekarang aku berharap,agar penderitaan ibuku ini akan segera berakhir...kerana  apa,kerana aku terlalu menyangi ibuku dan tidak sanggup melihat dirnya bersedih dan berduka sedangkan orang lain boleh ketawa dan tersenyum gembira dengan ehsan anak2 mereka itu mereka..kenapa ibuku tidak boleh menjadi sedemikian?tidak boleh berasa gembira seperti masyarakat lain?YA ALLAH..AMPUNKAN AKU..SESUNGGUHNYA AKU TIDAK BERNIAT UNTUK MERAGUI ATAU MENIDAKKAN TAKDIR YANG TELAH KAU TENTUKAN TERHADAP KAMI YA ALLAH....SESUNGGUHNYA.KAU BERKANLAH KEKUATAN KEPADA KAMI TERUTAMANYA IBUKU DALAM MENGHARUNGI SEGALA LIKU DAN DUGAAN HIDUP YA ALLAH ANDAI KATA SEBAGAI BALASANNAY IBUKU BOLEH TERSENYUM LEGA DAN BERGEMBIRA DI AKHIRAT KELAK.AMIN~

few hours left!!!

~i only have few hours  leftbefore the exam..and what make me happy is that, i just wanna start that good?huhuhu..well,i discover '1 good way to make my 'reading process'' more this,i read all the details in book,then i willl try to make short note on every terms here..pretty good idea ah?hehe. oppss!!as usual,avanged sevenfold song 'seized the day'' is accompany me for now..hehe..well,my fingers are typing,my lips are reading..and my ears are listening to this song..what a good plan..hehe..arghhh!!!lets start now..(everything here is based on my,any mistake that i make is forgiveable..wawawa..ok,first,i want to talk about what is test..before that,these are the books that i refered to:

~test is a method of measuring a person's ability, knowledge or performance.. there are 2 things that relates with ''test''.. the first one is test is a method ( also known as an instrument to check whether student's have mastered the knowlegde). besides that, test also must measure few elements such as individual'a ability, performance and a given domain.

test~only one part of assesment.
assesment~is an ongoing process that encompasses a wider domain. it can happen all the time..for example,duirng learning process, whenever students responding to a question, or offers a comment or using new words or structure, the teacher subconsciously makes an assesment of the studnets performance.

Formative~ is a classroom assesment. The teacher will evaluate students in the process of 'forming their competenciesand skill with the goal of helping them to continue that growth process. the key is the DELIVERY(by a teacher) and INTERNALIZATION(by the students)
summative ~is to measure or summarize what a students have learned and typically occurs at the end of course. the example of summative is final exam in a course.

discrete point tests
~are constructed on the consumption that language can be broken down into its component parts and those parts can be tested succesfully..these component are speaking,listening,writing and reading.

~an effective test is practical. this means that it :
  • is not excessively expensive
  • stays within appropriate time constraints
  • is relatively easy to administer 
  • has a scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time efficient.

~a reliable test is consistent and you give tha same test to the same students, the test should yield same result.

*continue later r..ngantok..nk tido stgh jam sat..chow


language test

~for paper language test tomorow, i haven't read anything yet..arghh!!and for now,i feel like want to write sth,why dont i write about language test terms??hehheehe...hehe..for me,for this paper,it would be easy if i just find all the informations in internet.hehe...ok,so now start with RUBRICS..

what is rubrics?
A rubric is an explicit set of criteria used for assessing a particular type of work or performance. A rubric usually also includes levels of potential achievement for each criterion, and sometimes also includes work or performance samples that typify each of those levels.  Levels of achievement are often given numerical scores.  A summary score for the work being assessed may be produced by adding the scores for each criterion. The rubric may also include space for the judge to describe the reasons for each judgment or to make suggestions for the author. 

Why use rubrics?
  • To produce assessments that are far more descriptive than a single, holistic grade or judgment can be. Instead of merely saying that this was a "B- paper," the rubric-based assessment describes the quality of work on one or more criteria. For example, an English paper might be assessed on its use of sources, the quality of the academic argument, and its use of English (among other criteria).  A department's strategic plan might be assessed using a rubric that included the clarity of its learning goals for students, the adequacy of staffing plans, the adequacy of plans for advising, and other criteria.
  • To let those who are producing work ("authors") know in advance what criteria judge or judges will apply to assessing that work
  • To provide a richer and more multidimensional description of the reasons for assigning a numerical score to a piece of work. 
  • To enable multiple judges to apply the same criteria to assessing work. For example, student work can be assessed by faculty, by other students and by working professionals in the discipline.  If a rubric is applied to program review, a panel of visiting experts could use the same rubric to assess the program's performance.
  • To enable authors to elicit formative feedback (e.g., peer critique) for drafts of their work before final submission;
  • To help authors understand more clearly and completely what judges had to say about their work
  • To enable comparison of works across settings.  For example, imagine an academic department trying to develop skills A-G among their students.  One first year course focuses on teaching goals A, B, and D, while another first year course teaches A, C, and E.  One second year course is trying to deepen skill B while introducing skill E. And so on. If faculty use the same rubrics and then pool data (which can be done with Flashlight Online), the department can monitor student progress as they work toward graduation. It's a far more informative way to assess student progress and guide changes in the curriculum than to monitor student GPAs: faculty can see which skills are developing as hoped, and where there are systemic problems in teaching and learning. 


    Reliability and Validity: What's the Difference?


    Definition: Reliability is the consistency of your measurement, or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects. In short, it is the repeatability of your measurement. A measure is considered reliable if a person's score on the same test given twice is similar. It is important to remember that reliability is not measured, it is estimated.
    There are two ways that reliability is usually estimated: test/retest and internal consistency.
    Test/retest is the more conservative method to estimate reliability. Simply put, the idea behind test/retest is that you should get the same score on test 1 as you do on test 2. The three main components to this method are as follows:
    Internal Consistency
    Internal consistency estimates reliability by grouping questions in a questionnaire that measure the same concept. For example, you could write two sets of three questions that measure the same concept (say class participation) and after collecting the responses, run a correlation between those two groups of three questions to determine if your instrument is reliably measuring that concept.
    One common way of computing correlation values among the questions on your instruments is by using Cronbach's Alpha. In short, Cronbach's alpha splits all the questions on your instrument every possible way and computes correlation values for them all (we use a computer program for this part). In the end, your computer output generates one number for Cronbach's alpha - and just like a correlation coefficient, the closer it is to one, the higher the reliability estimate of your instrument. Cronbach's alpha is a less conservative estimate of reliability than test/retest.
    The primary difference between test/retest and internal consistency estimates of reliability is that test/retest involves two administrations of the measurement instrument, whereas the internal consistency method involves only one administration of that instrument.


    Definition:Validity is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. More formally, Cook and Campbell (1979) define it as the "best available approximation to the truth or falsity of a given inference, proposition or conclusion." In short, were we right? Let's look at a simple example. Say we are studying the effect of strict attendance policies on class participation. In our case, we saw that class participation did increase after the policy was established. Each type of validity would highlight a different aspect of the relationship between our treatment (strict attendance policy) and our observed outcome (increased class participation).
    Types of Validity:
    There are four types of validity commonly examined in social research.
    Threats To Internal Validity
    There are three main types of threats to internal validity - single group, multiple group and social interaction threats.
    Single Group Threats apply when you are studying a single group receiving a program or treatment. Thus, all of these threats can be greatly reduced by adding a control group that is comparable to your program group to your study.
    A History Threat occurs when an historical event affects your program group such that it causes the outcome you observe (rather than your treatment being the cause). In our earlier example, this would mean that the stricter attendance policy did not cause an increase in class participation, but rather, the expulsion of several students due to low participation from school impacted your program group such that they increased their participation as a result.
    A Maturation Threat to internal validity occurs when standard events over the course of time cause your outcome. For example, if by chance, the students who participated in your study on class participation all "grew up" naturally and realized that class participation increased their learning (how likely is that?) - that could be the cause of your increased participation, not the stricter attendance policy.
    A Testing Threat to internal validity is simply when the act of taking a pre-test affects how that group does on the post-test. For example, if in your study of class participation, you measured class participation prior to implementing your new attendance policy, and students became forewarned that there was about to be an emphasis on participation, they may increase it simply as a result of involvement in the pretest measure - and thus, your outcome could be a result of a testing threat - not your treatment.
    An Instrumentation Threat to internal validity could occur if the effect of increased participation could be due to the way in which that pretest was implemented.
    A Mortality Threat to internal validity occurs when subjects drop out of your study, and this leads to an inflated measure of your effect. For example, if as a result of a stricter attendance policy, most students drop out of a class, leaving only those more serious students in the class (those who would participate at a high level naturally) - this could mean your effect is overestimated and suffering from a mortality threat.
    The last single group threat to internal validity is a Regression Threat. This is the most intimating of them all (just its name alone makes one panic). Don't panic. Simply put, a regression threat means that there is a tendency for the sample (those students you study for example) to score close to the average (or mean) of a larger population from the pretest to the posttest. This is a common occurrence, and will happen between almost any two variables that you take two measures of. Because it is common, it is easily remedied through either the inclusion of a control group or through a carefully designed research plan. .
    In sum, these single group threats must be addressed in your research for it to remain credible. One primary way to accomplish this is to include a control group comparable to your program group. This however, does not solve all our problems, as I'll now highlight the multiple group threats to internal validity.
    Multiple Group Threats to internal validity involve the comparability of the two groups in your study, and whether or not any other factor other than your treatment causes the outcome. They also (conveniently) mirror the single group threats to internal validity.
    A Selection-History threat occurs when an event occurring between the pre and post test affects the two groups differently.
    A Selection-Maturation threat occurs when there are different rates of growth between the two groups between the pre and post test.
    Selection-Testing threat is the result of the different effect from taking tests between the two groups.
    A Selection-Instrumentation threat occurs when the test implementation affects the groups differently between the pre and post test.
    A Selection-Mortality Threat occurs when there are different rates of dropout between the groups which leads to you detecting an effect that may not actually occur.
    Finally, a Selection-Regression threat occurs when the two groups regress towards the mean at different rates.
    Okay, so know that you have dragged yourself through these extensive lists of threats to validity - you're wondering how to make sense of it all. How do we minimize these threats without going insane in the process? The best advice I've been given is to use two groups when possible, and if you do, make sure they are as comparable as is humanly possible. Whether you conduct a randomized experiment or a non-random study --> YOUR GROUPS MUST BE AS EQUIVALENT AS POSSIBLE! This is the best way to strengthen the internal validity of your research.The last type of threat to discuss involves the social pressures in the research context that can impact your results. These are known as social interaction threats to internal validity.Diffusion or "Imitation of Treatment occurs when the comparison group learns about the program group and imitates them, which will lead to an equalization of outcomes between the groups (you will not see an effect as easily).
    Compensatory Rivalry means that the comparison group develops a competitive attitude towards the program group, and this also makes it harder to detect an effect due to your treatment rather than the comparison groups reaction to the program group.
    Resentful Demoralization is a threat to internal validity that exaggerates the posttest differences between the two groups. This is because the comparison group (upon learning of the program group) gets discouraged and no longer tries to achieve on their own.
    Compensatory Equalization of Treatment is the only threat that is a result of the actions of the research staff - it occurs when the staff begins to compensate the comparison group to be "fair" in their opinion, and this leads to an equalization between the groups and makes it harder to detect an effect due to your program.
    Threats to Construct Validity
    I know, I know - you're thinking - no I just can't go on. Let's take a deep breath and I'll remind you what construct validity is, and then we'll look at the threats to it one at a time. OK? OK.
    Constuct validity is the degree to which inferences we have made from our study can be generalized to the concepts underlying our program in the first place. For example, if we are measuring self-esteem as an outcome, can our definition (operationalization) of that term in our study be generalized to the rest of the world's concept of self-esteem?
    Ok, let's address the threats to construct validity slowly - don't be intimidated by their lengthy academic names - I'll provide an English translation.
    Inadequate Preoperational Explication of Constructs simply means we did not define our concepts very well before we measured them or implemented our treatment. The solution? Define your concepts well before proceeding to the measurement phase of your study.
    Mono-operation bias simply means we only used one version of our independent variable (our program or treatment) in our study, and hence, limit the breadth of our study's results. The solution? Try to implement multiple versions of your program to increase your study's utility.
    Mono-method bias simply put, means that you only used one measure or observation of an important concept, which in the end, reduces the evidence that your measure is a valid one. The solution? Implement multiple measures of key concepts and do pilot studies to try to demonstrate that your measures are valid.
    Interaction of Testing and Treatment occurs when the testing in combination with the treatment produces an effect. Thus you have inadequately defined your "treatment," as testing becomes part of it due to its influence on the outcome. The solution? Label your treatment accurately.
    Interaction of Different Treatments means that it was a combination of our treatment and other things that brought about the effect. For example, if you were studying the ability of Tylenol to reduce headaches and in actuality it was a combination of Tylenol and Advil or Tylenol and exercise that reduced headaches -- you would have an interaction of different treatments threatening your construct validity.
    Restricted Generalizability Across Constructs simply put, means that there were some unanticipated effects from your program, that may make it difficult to say your program was effective.
    Confounding Constructs occurs when you are unable to detect an effect from your program because you may have mislabeled your constructs or because the level of your treatment wasn't enough to cause an effect.
    As with internal validity, there are a few social threats to construct validity also. These include:
    See, that wasn't so bad. We broke things down and attacked them one at a time. You may be wondering why I haven't given you along list of threats to conclusion and external validity - the simple answer is it seems as if the more critical threats involve internal and construct validity. And, the means by which we improve conclusion and external validity will be highlighted in the section on

    The real difference between reliability and validity is mostly a matter of definition. Reliability estimates the consistency of your measurement, or more simply the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used in under the same conditions with the same subjects. Validity, on the other hand, involves the degree to which your are measuring what you are supposed to, more simply, the accuracy of your measurement. It is my belief that validity is more important than reliability because if an instrument does not accurately measure what it is supposed to, there is no reason to use it even if it measures consistently (reliably).
    School-based assessment concept will be expanded, says Minister
    Published on: Saturday, July 26, 2003

    Johor: The school-based assessment concept, which stresses on communication and skills, will be expanded to cover other subjects in stages, Education Minister Tan Sri Musa Mohamad said Friday.
    He said the concept was started this year for students in Year One till Form Five with Bahasa Melayu and English because the two subjects have oral elements.
    Previously, the oral aspect is not emphasised although it is an important component to learn a language. If its found to be feasible, well apply the system for other subjects,he told reporters after opening the Education Service Conference.
    The conference is being held for the first time in the country.
    Musa said the concept is aimed at moulding students to develop self-communication and creative skills and not memorise facts and figures in a subject merely to pass the examination.
    He said the concept would not be a burden to teachers because standard teaching aids would be supplied to all schools as well as procedures to gauge students skills.
    Musa said the concept does not stress on examination but the level of skills attained by a student would be measured and achievements recorded.
    We want a two-way learning process in classrooms so that students can communicate well with one another. They can communicate through discussions, lectures and other ways, he said.
    Musa said although certain quarters had criticised the concept, saying some teachers might be biased in awarding marks, it would be implemented as planned because the concept had proven to be successful in developed countries.
    If teachers are said to be biased or overloaded with work, the proposal will remain a proposal, while other countries will continue to implement it.
    This is not only a good proposal, in fact, it will test our children in many fields, he said.
    Earlier, in his speech, Musa said several countries like South Korea and Finland, which do not have much natural resources, have become world economic powers because their students were taught to communicate and be creative.
    Thirty years ago, South Korea was lagging behind us, but now they are exporting cars and electrical goods worldwide. Finland only has four million people but can produce Nokia phones which dominate the world market, he said.
    Musa said the yardstick to measure a students ability is not only on how many As he scores in the examination, but also his communication skills and creativity.
    He said Malaysian students performed better than American and British students in a science and mathematics competition recently, but it was not reflective of their actual achievements.
    But in reality, the United States is the No 1 in the technological era now and they produce about 100,000 patents a year. This is because their students are not only taught knowledge, but also to become creative, he said.
    Musa said Malaysias education system is considered to be excellent because of the good infrastructures and about 300,000 teachers, but it could not produce the manpower that was competitive due to less emphasis to skills.-Bernama

3.30 AM

~ngeh ngeh ngeh ngeh..perut kenyang sbnrnye!!its oredi 3.31 am now..but  my eyes still segar..hahaha..kol bape aku akan bgn esok erk?mayb 3 ptng?haha..who knows kan..ermm..
~actually tomorow aku ade paper..LANGUAGE TEST..kind of tough i think..but,for god sake,i dont have the energy and also mood to study..arghh!!i only have few hours to study about terms such as  rubrics,stem,validity,reliable etc..ughhhh!kind of weird i think..haha..
~today my mood cam ok kot..bgn tido td,mandi2,masak,makan and ngadap laptop..1 of my fb friend ade hantar satu link about,aku tgk  r pebende tuh..wooww!!incredible..its a documentary about what happen to the world nowadays..its about human game..more important,it also talks about ''DAJJAL''or called ''the false saviour'' ..ohh my was so good..not the 'dajjal'' OK,but the information..all this time,i've been looking for details information about dajjal,but have'nt found 1 untill aku xhabis menonton semua episode lagi sbb masalah internet yg menyebabakan aku rasa nak saman je pejabat bahtera ni..hhhehe..(xde r..)
~the movie(td documentary?same je r erk..dun get confuse) for me is really good..kalau sebelum ni,aku asyik dgr je psl zionis without ever knowing the meaning or who should be called skunk,aku da serba sedikit apa itu zionis..yela,aku jus dgr je name2 tuh asyik disebut dlm xberminat pom nak tahu...
~tp skunk tau,yg aku paling berminat nak dgr adlh psl dajjal tuh..kalau sblm ni,masa kat rumah,aku hanya mendengar and mengetahui pasal dajjal ni dr nenek saudara aku yg aku panggil 'cek cik'. die banyak bercerita megenai dajjal ni..cek cik aku ni memang banyak mebaca dan merupakan seorang bekas guru seni..sekarang ni,dia jus menghabskan amsanya dirumah bersama cucu2 kesaynagn yg semuanye comel2 and cerdik2..kadang2,kalau boring berada kat kelantan,cek cik aku akan emrantau ke rumah anak2 die smada kat KL ataupun kat lumut perak tuh..cek cik aku ni 4 orang anak kesemuanya..seorang lelaki dan 3 perempuan.semuana dah besar2 and dah kahwin pun..yang sulung,bekerja sbgi pensyarah di ILP,pengkalan Chepa..yang ke-3,kak Lah adalah peg kebajikan kat jabatan kebajikan(ntah r..luper name penuh tempat kerja),yg ke-3,kak dah,bekerja kat JAKIM..yang bongsu,abg mie,seorang jurutera...semuanya dah besar panjang...husband cek cik aku ni yang aku panggil ''ayah cik'' dah meninggal masa aku sem3..arwah jugak seorang guru matematik yang sudah bersara..arwah ayah cik aku ni,uitt!!xberani aku nak berlawan mate nih..mmg terror r..ptt r anak2 sume skunk arwah dah xde..moga arwah ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang yang beriman..AMIN~.ok,skunk kite kembali kepada cerita dajjal ynag seperti yang cek cik aku ceritu dulu..kalau dulu,cek cik aku ada pernah mengatakan yang dajjal sbnrnye berkemungkinan berada di segitiga bermuda..dajjal akan keluar pada satu masa yang ditetapkan nanti..dajjal ni bentuknya seakan ''kuba bala' kalau dalam istilah kelantan..kalau bahasa standard,ermm,ntah r.dajjal ni bermata satu..dan besarnya seperti raksasa..and banyak ag r yang cek cik aku aku xbrapa ingt..mmg rasa takut r masa tuh..cek cik aku banyak ajar aku doa doa antaranya adalah doa untuk mengelakkan aku dah luper da..hehe..(nanti nak kene p umah die blk ni)..dajjal ni akan memerintah selama 40 hari..hari yang pertama tu,seumpama seperti setahun..dan hari yang ke2 lamanya adalah seperti sebulan dan hari yang ke3 akan seperti seminggu dan hari hari yang seterusnya adalah seperti hari2 biasa.. semua cerita cek cik aku ni,sama dengan apa yang aku tonton dalam movie@dokumentari td...ermmm...subhanallahh.takutnye..

~dunia mmg dah akhir zaman kan..ermm...aku punya amalan ntah kemana hala ag..banyak lalai..kadang2 takut jugak jika aku dipanggil menemuiNYA dengan tidak membawa bekalan yang banyak..YA ALLAH...

Phase 3 pt. 5 (Penampilan & Kenyataannya) - Malay Subs

i wish i can build a home like any of this!!!

Six surprisingly comfortable cave home

People have been living in caves for thousands of years. In certain parts of the world, it was easier for prehistoric people to carve out warm, dry spaces than to use other building methods. Houses were cut into soft sandstone cliffs in China and the Middle East and into volcanic ash and lava flows on Pacific islands. Indigenous peoples of North America built elaborate cities under cliffs.
While some of these ancient structures are still standing and a few are still inhabited by contemporary residents, people today are experimenting with the benefits of modern cave living. And what may surprise you is that many of these homes are well-appointed, with modern conveniences, good ventilation, and even spectacular views. Most of them cost less than conventional housing.
As anyone who has ever visited a cave knows, underground spaces are naturally quiet and maintain a constant temperature -- cool in summer and warm in winter. Plus, their primary structure is all-natural material, and it's as locally sourced as possible.
Cave homes certainly aren't available everywhere and may not be for everyone, but they are a good reminder of what's possible when we think "outside of the box."

Holy Austin rock houses
(Photo: Phil Parsons / Flickr)

British Rock Houses
For centuries, people lived in homes carved into the soft sandstone of the Kinver Edge escarpment on the border of Staffordshire and Worcestershire in England.
The most famous cluster was under Holy Austin Rock, which at one time served as a hermitage. The last cave dwellers moved out in the 1950s, but the site is preserved by the National Trust, which has restored some of the cave houses to the Victorian period.
Some observers have wondered if the cave homes and their small cottage gardens had inspired J.R.R. Tolkien in his imaginings of hobbits, since he grew up nearby.

sleeper family cave house in festus missouri
Courtesy of Curt Sleeper

inside sleeper family cave house in festus missouri
Courtesy of Curt Sleeper

The Sleeper Cave House
Tucked into a 17,000 square-foot hole left by a sandstone mine in Festus, Missouri, is the spacious, beautiful home of William "Curt" Sleeper, his wife Deborah, and their three kids. The Sleepers almost lost their unique three-bedroom house to foreclosure, but they recently received backing from a private investor after media exposure.
bathroom sink and tile inside sleeper family cave house in festus missouri
Courtesy of Curt Sleeper

"We feel that our home is eco-friendly," Curt told The Daily Green. He explained that he doesn't need to run heating or cooling, since the natural insulation of the cave walls keeps the inside air 65 to 70 degrees year-round.
The Sleepers constructed the façade of their dwelling out of 300 sliding-glass doors purchased from a local resale shop. "I stripped the aluminum and resold it to the local recycle center," Curt adds. "We pull more than 100 gallons of water per day from the air with our dehumidifiers and then pump that outside to water our gardens and feed chickens."
The Sleepers' home is lit with fluorescent bulbs and boasts gorgeous recycled oak flooring. Inside, it appears loft-like and spacious, maximizing natural light with the large windows. It even features a serene goldfish pool fed by a natural spring. The innermost chamber used to be a roller rink in the 1950s, and is now a playroom for the kids.
The Sleepers decorated their unusual space with antique furniture, giving it a lost-in-time feel, although they also have modern conveniences like a laundry room. They even have a cat, Garfield.
In addition to windows, cave homes can be fitted with light ducts that direct sunlight deeper into the dwelling. Although cave homes tend to do very well through earthquakes and are fire resistant, they can have trouble with moisture (hence the Sleepers' dehumidifiers).

inside a cave home dugout in coober pedy australia
[mapu] / Flickr

Coober Pedy, Australia
Set in the scorching South Australia desert, the small town of Coober Pedy is often called the Opal Capital of the World, since the region is the source of 80% of those glittering precious stones. The name Coober Pedy is often interpreted as a mangling of the Aboriginal words for "white men in holes," since Australians have been mining there since 1916. About half of the population of Coober Pedy still lives in cave houses. There are also underground churches, inns, and a museum.
Many of the subterranean spaces take advantage of existing mines, while others are made fresh with local mining equipment. The "dugout" homes are cheaper to build than conventional units and require little air conditioning, a boon in an area where average daily temperatures approach 100 degrees in the summer.
Coober Pedy and the surrounding Outback landscapes have served as a backdrop in numerous films, from Pitch Black to the Mad Max movies and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

kitchen inside the cave house in bisbee, cave homes

The Arizona Cave House
Want your own luxury cave? In the eclectic town of Bisbee, Arizona, (near the historic Tombstone) you'll find The Cave House, which is currently on the market for just under $2 million.
The Cave House has no water bills, thanks to a natural spring, or heating or cooling bills. It does have an efficient pellet fireplace, as well as a guesthouse, workshop, shed, carport, hot tub, barbeque area, and a separate office and library.
view of pool and mountains at the cave house in bisbee, cave homes

This cave house sits on a spectacular 37 acres, at 5,300 feet above sea level with a rise of 2,000 feet. There are sweeping views of the Mule Mountains and canyon, and it's near to a refreshing natural creek, with natural swimming pools and gorgeous rock patios.
bathroom in the cave house in bisbee, cave homes

The area surrounding the Cave House is popular with birders and wildlife viewers, supporting 79 species of birds and 113 species of butterflies, plus ringtail cats, foxes, skunks, deer, squirrels, lizards, frogs, snakes, and coatimundi.
cave living room in the cave house in bisbee, cave homes

The Cave House boasts a sunroom, two bathrooms, and attractive tile flooring. It was built in 1985 and is 2,980 square feet.

man and woman in cave home in morocco (me and my future husband..hehe)
Steve & Jemma Copley / Flickr

Mediterranean Cave Homes
Cave homes have long been popular in parts of the Mediterranean region, from Turkey to Spain, Greece, and Morocco. In Spain's Andalucia region, you can find numerous listings for comfortable cave houses for sale and rent, typically at prices that beat above-ground offerings.

kitchen cave home at forestiere underground gardens fresno
Matthew E. Cohen / Flickr

Forestiere Underground Gardens
Now a tourist attraction in Fresno, California, the Forestiere Underground Gardens were designed and hand-built by Sicilian immigrant Baldasare Forestiere, a vineyardist and horticulturalist.
Starting in 1906, Forestiere spent 40 years carving an exotic underground escape from the San Joaquin Valley's powerful heat. Fashioned after the 'visions stored in his mind,' his caverns are a network of gardens illuminated with skylights, as well as comfortable living spaces for himself, including a kitchen, bedroom, and fish pond.
The complex sprawls across 10 acres, and is now listed as a California Historic Landmark. It goes to show that not only can one live well in the earth, but one can even grow fruit trees -- Forestiere had citrus, dates, olives, and much more, as well as a bounty of other vegetation.

~taken from  YAHOO NEWS

*how much will it cost to build  a home like any of this?millons?billions?arghhhh!!!! hhhaha..


Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking

Hawking AP – FILE - This April 5, 2010 file photo shows astrophysicist Stephen Hawking of England presenting a lecture …

LONDON (AFP) – Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday.
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," said the astrophysicist in a new television series, according to British media reports.
The programmes depict an imagined universe featuring alien life forms in huge spaceships on the hunt for resources after draining their own planet dry.
"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," warned Hawking.
The doomsday scenario is suggested in the series "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking" on the Discovery Channel, which began airing in the United States on Sunday.
On the probability of alien life existing, he says: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.
"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."
Glowing squid-like creatures, herds of herbivores that can hang onto a cliff face and bright yellow predators that kill their prey with stinging tails are among the creatures that stalk the scientist's fantastical cosmos.
Mankind has already made a number of attempts to contact extraterrestrial civilisations.
In 2008, American space agency NASA beamed the Beatles song "Across the Universe" into deep space to send a message of peace to any alien that happens to be in the region of Polaris -- also known as the North Star -- in 2439.
But the history of humanity's efforts to contact aliens stretches back some years.
The US probes Pioneer 10 and 11 were launched in 1972 and 1973 bearing plaques of a naked man and woman and symbols seeking to convey the positions of the Earth and the Sun.
Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, each carry a gold-plated copper phonogram disk with recordings of sounds and images on Earth.

*huhuhu.ntah r nak caye atau x..rasa mcm dalam crite x-files plak..but who knows kan what creatures yg ade kat atas sana..kalau kita fikirkan balik,dari masa ke semasa,ada saja berita terbaru yang scientist kat luar negara yg telah 'discover''  bende2 baru yang hidup kat planet yg di atas sana..mayb banyak lagi yang belom manusia jumpa kan..kadang2 takut gak..seram je rase..



td,aku ada chat ngn kawan aku amsa form6 dulu..ermmm...sempat ag nak mengorat tuh..huhu..i dun noe la whether he serious or ntah la..i dun like that kind of guy..bukan ''dun like'' ape,jus xselesa jek..adakah semua lelaki macam tu?ermmmmah ..ntah la..aku malas layan sgt td,jus ignore jek..alasan die sbb xde gf ag n kalau dpt gf dalam kalangan cikgu pun,ok gak..ermm,what kind of perception tuh..terlmpau berterus trng...nasib baik aku ni jenis yg xcepat melatah..hahaha..bermain tarik tali is better i think..apepun,i jus pray that he will meet his partner soon..the sooner,the better..hihi..

~now alreadly 2.49am..arghhh!!!tomoro will b my first paper for dis sem..paper 'teaching of grammar''..but for damn,aku xstudy ape pun,da ade mood tok,sempat r bace bape page,but den suddenly,my mood tok study diterbangkan oleh angin yg sejuk malam nih..angin tu seperti bawak sekali mood study,what can i do..switched on my laptop n ngadap facebook as usual r..but,nothing interesting pom..even xinteresting pom,my eyes are still looking at the screen untill now..hahaha..typical of human beings r,millions of excuses can be create..haha..dak2 tesl lain kompom aku rasa dah khatam bape kali dah grammar ni..but me?arghh!!!grammar grammar..sometimes,i miss our grammar lect,dr halim..still remember his words yg teramatlah ''pedas n hot like fire and cili'' contoh2 ayat die:
    ''what do you want to teach your students?you know nothing about grammar'''
''ada hati nak ponteng kelas,dah la xberapa pandai'''
''i am here to teach you ''teaching of grammar'', not to teach you grammar''..what did you get for your     grammar when you were in sem 2?

hahahahha..banyak ag r yg pedas2 sebenarnya..hakhak..kalau nak di komen and disenaraikan,mak aiihh!!!naik kematu ibu jari ni nanti..haha...apepun,all the things that he said was right,true and valid(mcm term lang test)..hihihi..sometimes (almost all the time xcually), terpikir gak tntng kate2 dia tu..ermm..well,he's not the first lect who came out with that fact,dr maiza,mr siva and dr hashimah used to give comment like that..sampaikan aku naik heran,are we the first batch ever yg ada problem macam ni?(prob=not fluent and proficient enough to use and communicate using 2nd lang?)..ermmm...ataupun,depa penah jumpa sblm ni,cuma mereka xmo bgtahu sbb nak naikkan smngt and menyedarkan kami?aiiyyaa..hahaha..xkesah la apepun,yg penting kami kene men-doublekan our effort since next sem is d last chance for us to gain more knowledge and improve our skills because the other-next sem,we will leave  upsi for our praktikum..kat mane tu,xtau ag...arghhh!!am i ready for it?OR COURSE LA NOOOOOOO..huhuhu..but what can we do..

~bila nak srart bukak buku grammar ni?ermmmm..tok subjek ni,dr halim ada jual aku xbeli dulu..ntah r,skunk ni,aku jus depends od buku yg aku pinjam dr library jek..maalsnye nak bace..hahhaa..carik thru tenet ok gakkan...hahhaha..
~k la..nak carik bahan ckit tok grammar ni..


Best ever laughing baby

Prof Dr Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah ( HAMKA)

Pencinta dunia kesusasteraan yang kemudiannya menceburkan diri dalam politik, akhirnya berundur daripada di jawatan Pengerusi Majlis Ulama Indonesia apabila Kerajaan Suharto tidak berkenan dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkannya mengenai larangan terhadap umat Islam menyambut perayaan Natal.Hubungan pemerintah Indonesia dengan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) pernah panas disebabkan MUI mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa haram hukum bagi umat Islam mengucapkan selamat hari Natal dan menghadiri perayaannya. Pemerintah menganggap fatwa itu mengganggu keharmonian masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama. Lebih tegas lagi, hal tersebut merosak toleransi hubungan antara agama. Sebab itu, Suharto, Presiden Indonesia pada itu masa meminta kepada Prof. Hamka atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Buya Hamka yang pada masa itu menjawat jawatan Ketua MUI, mencabut fatwa berkenaan.Tetapi Hamka, yang nama penuhnya Prof. Dr. Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, tetap berpegang kukuh pada pendiriannya. Bagi ulama yang juga seorang sasterawan ini, yang benar harus dikatakan sebagai benar. Dan sebaliknya, yang batil harus dikatakan batil. Apa pun risiko yang terpaksa dihadapinya. Bahkan ia menyatakan lebih baik berundur daripada Ketua Umum MUI daripada memansuhkan mencabut fatwa itu. Senario yang berlaku akhirnya demikian. Apabila tekanan daripada pemerintahan Suharto semakin kuat, Hamka memilih meletakkan jawatan yang disandangnya (l981). Keputusan itu adalah cerminan sikap bertanggungjawabnya yang tidak mahu umat Islam terjerumus dalam kesesatan. Ini kerana trend menyambut perayaan Natal secara bersama sedang berleluasa di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Atas alasan untuk mengukuhkan hubungan toleransi beragama, banyak ummat Islam yang terbabit sama.Padahal, menurut Hamka, perayaan Natal itu sesungguhnya termasuk peribadatan agama Nasrani. Dan apabila sudah masuk dalam ibadah, ummat Islam sepatutnya tidak mengikutinya. Atas dasar itu Majlis Fatwa MUI mengeluarkan fatwa haram hukumnya bagi ummat Islam mengikuti perayaan Natal agama Nasrani.Dasar pertimbangannya adalah pertama, umat Islam tidak boleh mencampur adukkan akidah dan ibadah Islam dengan akidah dan ibadah agama lain (QS Al Kaafiruun 1-6 dan Al-Baqarah 42). Kedua, ummat Islam harus mengikuti/meyakini atas kenabian dan kerasulan Isa bin Maryam (QS Maryam 30-32, Al-Maidah 75, dan Al-Baqarah 285). Ketiga, yang berkeyakinan bahawa Tuhan lebih dari satu dan Isa Al-Masih itu anak Tuhan, adalah orang kafir dan musyrik. (Al-Maaidah 72-73, dan At-Taubah 30). Keempat, Nabi Isa pun tidak mendakwakan dirinya sebagai anak Allah (Al-Maidah 116-118). Kelima, Islam mengajarkan bahawa Allah SWT hanya satu (QS. Al-Ikhlaas ayat 1-4). Keenam, Islam mengajarkan agar ummatnya menjauhkan diri daripada hal-hal yang syubhah (samar-samar) dan hal yang dilarang Allah, serta mendahulukan hal-hal yang menolak kerosakan daripada yang mendatangkan kemaslahatan.Selama kepemimpinan Hamka, MUI dikenali sebagai institusi ulama yang tegas dan tidak memihak kepada golongan tertentu, malah menjadi institusi yang berperanan memberikan teguran dan bimbingan kepada pemerintah. Hamka dengan tegas menolak keinginan pemerintah untuk menguasai setiap keputusan yang bakal diambil MUI. Baginya, fatwa MUI tidak boleh dicampur adukan dengan urusan politik dan pemerintahan.Sikap tegas Hamka itu sesungguhnya bukanlah hal baru. Pada zaman pemerintah Sukarno, Hamka telah berani mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa haram hukumnya bagi Sukarno menikah lagi, kerana presiden tersebut telah mempunyai beberapa orang isteri. Fatwa itu tentu sahaja menyebabkan Sukarno marah. Kebetulan pada masa itu ia termasuk tokoh Islam yang berani menentang sikap pemerintah yang begitu rapat dengan Parti Komunis Indonesia (PKI). Pada pandangan Hamka, PKI adalah parti yang membahayakan keselamatan kehidupan beragama di negeri ini, kerana komunis tidak mengakui adanya Tuhan. Akibat sikap tegasnya itu, ia terpaksa meringkuk di penjara bersama tokoh parti Masyumi dan PSI kerana fitnah pertubuhan LEKRA, pimpinan Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Namun demikian, ia tidak berdendam dengan Sukarno. Terbukti ketika Bung Karno wafat, Hamka yang dilantik menjadi imam sembahyang jenazahnya.Selain dikenal sebagai ulama berkarisma, Hamka yang dilahirkan pada tahun 1908 juga dikenal sebagai seorang pujangga termasyhur. Sejak berusia 17 tahun, ia sudah menulis novel bertajuk Siti Rabiah. Aktiviti penulisannya itu ditentang oleh keluarganya. Sebab, sebagai seorang putera ulama besar, H. Abdul Karim Amrullah, kesukaannya menulis novel itu dianggap satu aib. Namun Hamka meneruskan kegemarannya itu untuk mencari jati dirinya dan berusaha keluar dari bayangan kemasyuran ayahnya.Pada usia 30-an, ia seolah-olah tidak meminati untuk menceburkan diri dalam kegiatan keagamaan dan menjadi seorang ulama, meski ia sendiri termasuk pendakwah muda Muhammadiyah di bandar Medan. Ia seolah-olah lebih berminat dengan bidang penulisan dan kewartawanan. Ini terbukti apabila bersama beberapa orang rakannya pada tahun 1936 ia mewujudkan majalah Pedoman Masyarakat. Dalam majalah inilah ia menulis tulisan bersambung yang di kemudian menjadi buku Tasawuf Modern yang merupakan antara karya popularnya hari ini. Walaupun tulisan itu adalah tulisan yang padat dengan kupasan ilmu-ilmu Islam, tetapi ia belum berjaya mengubah identiti diri Hamka yang masih dianggap sebagai seorang sasterawan.Ini mungkin disebabkan pada masa itu jugalah ia menulis novel Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijk (1939) serta pelbagai cerpen yang mengharukan yang kemudian dikumpulkan dalam buku Menanti Bedug Berbunyi. Sewaktu ia pulang dari Makkah, Hamka menulis nover bertajuk Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah. Novelnya yang bertajuk Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijk yang dianggap menciplak dari sebuah novel barat, menunjukkan bahawa Hamka waktu itu sudah banyak membaca sastera barat melalui terjemahan bahasa Arab. Dalam kes tuduhan plagiat ini, menurut banyak ahli sastera hal ini tidak terbukti. Menurut mereka, Hamka hanya terpengaruh oleh sastera barat dan hal itu adalah sesuatu yang wajar bagi seorang penulis.Pada 1949, Hamka kemudian berpindah ke Jakarta. Di Jakarta ia memulai kerjayanya sebagai pegawai kerajaan golongan rendah di Kementerian Agama yang pada waktu itu dipimpin oleh KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim (ayah Gus Dur). Sebagai seorang intelektual yang hidup pada zaman perjuangan merebut kemerdekaan, Hamka pada tahun 1955 turut terbabit dengan dunia politik. Ia aktif dalam parti Masyumi. Namun, perjalanan politiknya turut berakhir apabila parti Masyumi, diharamkan oleh Sukarno.Setelah itu Hamka kembali kepada dunianya, iaitu dunia penulisan. Ia kemudian menubuhkan majalah baru, iaitu majalah Panji Masyarakat. Pada masa ini, tulisan Hamka yang memperoleh Doktor Honoris Causa dari Universiti Al Azhar Mesir pada tahun 1958 ini sudah lebih banyak berupa kajian-kajian ke Islaman yang mencakupi seluruh bidang. Pada masa ini pula, penanya berjaya melahirkan karya agungnya, Tafsir Al-Azhar. Yang hebatnya, tafsir ini berjaya diselesaikannya tatkala ia meringkuk di dalam penjara (1964).Selepas peristiwa kekejaman gerakan komunis yang membunuh tujuh orang jeneral 1965 dan berkuasanya Presiden Suharto, Hamka secara total berperanan sebagai ulama. Ia meninggalkan dunia politik dan sastera. Tulisan-tulisannya di dalam Panji Masyarakat sudah merefleksikannya sebagai seorang ulama, dan ini digambarkan dalam ruangan Dari Hati Ke Hati yang sangat baik perbahasannya. Kewibawaan Hamka sebagai seorang ulama lebih menonjol lagi ketika dia dilantik menjadi Ketua MUI pertama pada tahun 1975.Dalam banyak hal, Hamka dikenali sebagai seorang yang moderat. Paling tidak dari cara dia menyampaikan sesuatu yang selalu menampakkan hati dan fikiran berjalan seirama. Ia tidak pernah mengeluarkan kata-kata keras, atau kasar dalam berkomunikasi. Peribadi ini sudah ia tunjukkan dari sejak muda lagi. Ia lebih suka memilih menulis novel atau cerpen dalam menyampaikan panduan Islam. Hamka yang bergelar Datuk In Domo dalam suku Minang ini mengakui bahawa memang dia menjadi lebih moderat ketika usianya semakin bertambah."Ketika buku yang saya baca baru lima buah, saya cepat sekali menyimpulkan satu hal mengenai agama dan beremosi, tetapi ketika buku yang saya baca sudah lima puluh, saya menjadi lebih faham, dan tidak berasa perlu bersikap seperti itu," katanya suatu ketika.Namun begitu, bukan bermakna ia kehilangan sikap tegasnya. Ketika ia berasa umat kehilangan pedoman, ia kemudian mengeluarkan fatwa Natal tahun 1981 yang amat menggemparkan itu. Ia terpaksa mengambil sikap tidak sehaluan dengan pemerintah demi menjaga kesucian Islam. Meski keluar dari MUI, Hamka tetap menjadi tokoh ulama yang berpengaruh dan berkarisma. Fatwa dan nasihatnya tetap dinantikan oleh masyarakat. Ia juga tidak jemu-jemu memberikan nasihat dan panduan kepada pendakwah-pendakwah muda. Sampai akhir hayatnya, melalui majalah Panji Masyarakat, ulama yang lahir di Sungai Batang, Maninjau, Sumatera Barat ini tetap memberikan siraman rohani kepada umat Islam yang haus dengan nasihat-nasihatnya melalui tulisan-tulisannya dalam majalah berkenaan.Hamka meninggalkan pelbagai karya penulisan yang popular. Karyanya yang dibukukan berjumlah lebih kurang 118 buah, tidak termasuk pelbagai tulisan yang dimuat di pelbagai media massa. Tulisan-tulisannya meliputi pelbagai bidang kajian: politik, sejarah, budaya, akhlak, dan ilmu-ilmu keislaman. Pada 24 Julai 1981, ulama serba boleh ini me nemui Tuhannya. Pemergiannya adalah satu kehilangan besar yang sukar dicari pengganti sehingga ke hari ini.



makan makan makan!!!

~hari ni,mood aku dah ok ckit..hihihi..bgn tido pg td(pg ke tgh hari?),rasa lega kepala otak..hihihi..ptng td,dalam kol 3,aku p ke kampus.niat di hati nak p library nak carik buku tok exam r..aku xbeli buku grammar hari tu..malas..hihhi..alih2 p,jumpa nga zara n d geng..depa tgh tolong aina buat filem die bertajuk''my life as a stray cat''..alang2,aku lepak r sane dulu..tetiba jek,aku pun turut berlakon sbgi org yang menyelamatkan kucing plakk.hihihii.aku no hal jek..kawan nyer pasal..abis sume tu dalam lebih kurang pukul 5 lebih..pastu,trs aku p ke library..sampai je sane..aku trs r carik buku2 yg mana aku rasa perlu and ade apa yang aku nak..xde banyak pun..last2,aku pinjam jugak 3 buku tok wat rujukan..

~ari ni,selera makan kau tinggi jek..hahha..biasa la..da masuk tarikh 20 ke atas,mmg aku akan macam ni..mood makan aku meningkat..sumenye sbb xlama ag,mayb dalam 2 3 ari ag aku akan alami seperti mana perempuan normal yang lain alami setiap bulan..hihihiii..nak tgk apa hidangan yang aku makan hari ini?

 ~mula2 kat restorang bistro,aku makan bende ni..''mee kung fu'' aku xpandai2 gak gk r yg mlm ni punye..pekat..abih makan nih,,,on d way blk,aku terliur ngan kek2 kat kedai kat arked tu gak kalo pekena kek time mlm2 camni(mmg makan xteratur lor)...aku pilih kek blackberry..besttnyee..kek kat kedai ni,yg plng aku suke adalah sebab ising die xmuak..makan la banyak mana pun,,kek dr secret recipe pun kalah tu...mmg xley lawan kek dr restoran ni r aku rasa..huhu..

~woooowww!!!kek ni cam biasa r..sedaaaaaaaaaaaaapp..mmg best  r..aku makan ngan penuh berselera tuh..kan best kalau aku dpt blaja buat kek ni..boleh aku wat stiap kali nak makan..
~td plak,yg terbaru dalam nak dekat kol 2,aku rasa lapar lagi..aiyyaa!!!mmg selera makan tgh naik..but this time,rasa nak makan megi plak..aku apa ag,p turun wat megi goreng r..bestttttttt wooooooooooo...
~tp bahaya tol r aku ni..aku ni mmg xley hidup tanpa megi..makanan ruji aku nih..walaupun ada banyak ag sumber makanan kat rumah aku,megi tetap menjadi pilihan..aku kan,kalau xde biskut ke ape ke,aku ley hidup kalau xde bekalan megi,mmg aku akan rasa xlengkap..sampai mcm tu sekali aku nih..ntah r..aku tau yg megi ni bahaya..kandungan die,fullamak..kalau diselidik,mmg ley bawak nilah manusia,xpenanh nk appreciate sedikit info yg aku dpt dr internet pasal megi tentang bahayanya mende tuh..

~1 Serving / hidangan megi ialah dlm 70 – 75 g. Itu hidangan yang ditetapkan oleh industri. 1 serving menyumbangkan lebih kurang 360 kcal dengan 9 g protein, 17 g lemak, 43 g CHO (10% protein, 42% lemak, 48% CHO). Lazimnya nisbah pemakanan sihat sepatutnya CHO 50 – 60%, protein 15 – 20%, lemak 25 – 30%). Nisbah yang tak betul tu sendiri boleh menyebabkan masalah kesihatan.

Dalam hal % jenis lemak yang ada, 1 serving megi mengandungi 7.1 g  MUFA, 1.9 PUFA, 8.2 g SFA, nil TFA. Tu semua nama jenis lemak. Nil TFA dlm megi dah bagus sebab semakin tinggi TFA, risiko cardiac problem semakin tinggi. Tapi % of MUFA ialah 18.8%, PUFA 4.8%, dan SFA 20.5%. Yang disarankan ialah MUFA up to 20%, PUFA up to 10%, dan SFA less than 7%. So masalahnya pada SFA iaitu tinggi sangat iaitu 20.5%, sepatutnya less than 7% sahaja. SFA also can lead to heart problem

Kandungan garam sodium dalam megi datang daripada ramuan bahan kimia bernama  monosodium glutamat (MSG), dinatrium inosinat, dan dinatrium guanilat. Kandungan sodium yang tinggi juga membawa risiko kesihatan

*tp aku ni,walau dah tahu kebenarannya,still gak xley hodup tanpa megi..apa lah akan jd ngan nasib aku plak aku bace psl 3 org pesakit yg mempunyai masalah kesihatan akibat dr tabiat memakan megi..sumber adalah dr orang yang sama..(maaflah ye tuan..saye berminat ngan tuannye,saye nak guna sat untuk tujuan mengingatkan diri saya sendiri akan bahayanya megi nih)

 Kes 1:
Seorang nenek melayu dalam lingkungan umur 70-an mengalami sakit buah pinggang kronik, dan sedang menjalani rawatan hemodialisis (cuci buah pinggang). Nenek ni kata dia tak makan apa2 pun takpe, tapi dia nak sangat makan megi. Dia dari kecik suka sangat megi (saya terfikir sejak bila agaknya megi ni muncul?). Makan ratah camtulah. Saya nasihatkan dia dengan elok2 supaya kurang-kurangkan makan megi. Kalu nak makan juga, …..

Kes 2:
Seorang lelaki hensem melayu umur 25 tahun yang dah kahwin. Masuk wad sebab susah nak bernafas. Dia merupakan pesakit nephrotic syndrome. Penyakit ini boleh menyebabkan pengumpulan cecair dalam badan termasuk dalam peparu. Bila dicungkil2, dia kata suka sangat makan megi masa dia student dulu. Maklumlah la student kan.. faham sgt2. Dia sebenarnya dah berhenti makan megi, tapi kesan waktu muda-muda dulu dah rosakkan buah pinggangnya. So saya nasihatkan pemakanan yang sesuai untuk sakit nephrotic syndrome tu.

Kes 3:
Seorang pakcik cina businessman berjaya. Dia usia dalam 40-an, masuk wad sebab terjatuh di tandas. Dia asalnya tak tau dia sakit apa. Di hospital didapati jantungnya dah tersumbat. Tabiatnya lewat2 malam, suka ke warung makan megi goreng. Katanya sedap sampai menjilat siku. Makan minum waktu lain terjaga. Bukannya tiada duit, tapi dia memang suka ke situ untuk makan lewat malam

                                 reference : *aiyyaa!!!so,aku harap,aku ley slow2 tok berhenti makan least,kurangkan memakannya kalau betul aku sayangkan nyawa aku..tol x?hihihi..k r..ngantok da ni..dr td dok crite psl mknn jek.huhu..k,gud nite and assalamualaikum,,


no mood yet!

I know you're tried your best
But that's not good enough for me
Understand, nevertheless
Love's gotta go both ways
Well you push me to the left
Then you push me to the right
But you gotta meet me in the middle
If you wanna make this right
But you gotta believe....
So here it is, here it is, baby here it is....
I wanna help you out, tell you what it's all about
What I feel, what I need, how's it gonna be
So what you wanna do, what you really wanna do
'Cause I've decided everything i want from you
One sided love
Is never gonna work
So let me tell you something
That' I'm sure you've never heard of
Tender love and care
In case you're unaware
So I tell you what
Let me tell you where it's at
Hit me with your best shot
I'm giving you a second chance
But you gotta understand
If you don't know how to love me
I will find someone who can
So read my lips for the last time
I tell you now with no regret
if you don't get your act together
Even your name, I will forget
I wanna help you out, tell you what it's all about
What I feel, what I need, how's it gonna be
So what you wanna do, what you really wanna do
'Cause I've decided everything i want from you
One sided love
Is never gonna work
So let me tell you something
That' I'm sure you've never heard of
Tender love and care
In case you're unaware
So I tell you what
Let me tell you where it's at
Hit me with your best shot

(Best shot... best shot....)

One Sided Love.
One sided love
Is never gonna work
So let me tell you something
That' I'm sure you've never heard of
Tender love and care
In case you're unaware
So I tell you what
Let me tell you where it's at baby 

~another one sided love song
Swept me away
But now I'm lost in the dark
Set me on fire
But now I'm left with a spark
Alone, you got beyond the haze and
I'm lost inside the maze
I guess I'm all alone in love

I look into your eyes
You turn the other way
And now I realize
It's all a game you play
I hold you in the night
And wake to find you gone
You're running out of sight
It's so hard holding on
All alone in love


You haunt me in my dreams
I'm calling out your name
I watch you fade away
And then your love is not the same
I've figured out your style
To quickly drift apart
You held me for a while
Planned it from the start
All alone in love

Sitting in the dark without you
How am I supposed to make it
Through the night
Slowly fall apart without you
Cry away the hours
Till the morning light


Never forget that you are beautiful regardless if someone likes you or not.

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - I Love Rock 'n' Roll (1982 TV) HD

Joan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving You (Music Video) HD


kecewa dan sedih perasaan aku tika very sure now that he's actually have feeling for heart say so..what can i do?huhuhu..well,actually,there's nothing that i can do..he loves her i,all i have to do now is that,jus pray that he will be happy..that;s the best for all...
what with my feeling actually?y am i so easy to fall in love?why?why?WHY?WWWHHYYY?WWWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?i dont like this feeling..i hate it..hate it..hate it like hell..luckily i will not see his face longer will i hear his voice...arghhh!!!so damn stupid aku ni...i feel like rubbish now with this feeling still arousing to get rid of this feeling?????????arghhhhhh!!!!!!

~my heart is heart is broken..but no1 should be blame except me myself..i was d 1 who allowed dis feeling to freely dance within my soul...

Isn't that what people say?
That one-sided love is the hardest.
Always like a master handling his puppet.
Always like a kid playing with a toy.
Love is said to be the greatest feeling.
Perfect in its own way.
Yet flawlessness doesn't exist.
So there must be an error.
The mistake of a one-sided love.

The way that love is warm, it is the same way cruel.
Though it may be a blessing.
It leaves behind a victim to suffer.
In this case, me.

You have no idea what you left me with.
All the memories you threw away, I chose to gather.
The thoughts of you walking away.
The question of why I wasn't good enough?
Self doubt which refused to fade.
Each and every tear fell for you.
I spent hours in the the dark.
The only places I could reach for comfort.
The only shadows that taught me to escape...
Just for a little while.
And all the wishes wasted on you.
The whispers I choked out into the night.
The times where I could hardly breathe...
Just because you were you.
Just because you broke into my heart.
Just because. I'm tired.
To a certain point where I can't stand you.
So take the chains off of me.
Take all the things I've done for you.
Consider them my last.
And still you won't know how precious...
My heart was in the care of your hands.

I say a one-sided love lacks faith.
That this kind of love can't clash with destiny.
And that love might mean something delicate and pretty...
In the beginning.
However, just like a rose...
Everything beautiful has to wither and die...
In the end.
And this is the conclusion of this one-sided love story.
Heavenly to tragic.

But don't people also say that, to a finish there is another start.
So hope shouldn't fail or diminish.
As these petals of pain disappear.
Love will bloom once again.
This will always and forever be fate.
~arghhh..i will try not to think about him anymore..not worthy at all..btw,i pray that he will be happy with that girl..he deserves that.. i know that he is a good man and will become a very good husband to every woman that he will marry..insyaALLAH and AMIN...


show randai

~tetibe tringatkan show randai kami sem lepas..huhuhu..randai ni sbnrnye adalah satu seni tradisional minangkabau..ianya merupakan pergerakan yang menggabungkan elemen tarian,silat dan juga lakonan..kami punya production diberi nama ''Randai Si Tanggang'' tanggang tu adalah merupakan gbungan memandangkan kami membuat cerita 'tanggang'' yang sememangnya dikenali ramai..sebut saja pasal cerita tanggang,mesti ramai yang adalah antara koleksi2 koleksi gambar kami sepanjang berlangsungnya persembahan 'randai' ini di Dewan Rahman Talib,UPSI..

 ~ni plak mase show randai kat pekna frinjan shah alam..mase ni,ramai aktivis aktivis teater yg turun padang...

Lagu tentang kematian dan keinsafan-Arab song-Dust is my bed

start a day!!

hari ini aku bgn dekat ngan kol 2 kot..huhuuhu..aku tido kol 5 lebih smlm gara2 baca novel..dala terbabas semayang subuh..huhu..kalau nak diikutkan,aku bgn awl ag sbnrnye..kol 10 lebih saja malas nak bgn lagi..aku termenung jek atas katil bergolek2..alih,tertido blk..lepas tu,banyak kali jugak aku terbangun tp aku masih berbungkus gak atas katil..bangun pun,xde apa gak yg nak dibuat..hikhik..dlam tertido tu pun,banyak kal aku bermimpi..benci aku mimpi tu..menyampah..huhuhu..lepas tu,around 2,malas berguling2 da,tambah2 ngan keadaan bilik aku yang panas giler,terus aku bangun and pk apa yang aku nak buat..aku goosk gigi sat n then tuurn ke dapur..aduiihhhh...kotornye dapur aku tgk...yela,mmg aku xsempat ank cuci n mop sebelum ni sbb terlampau sibuk..nak harapkan org len?ermmm..dalam umah aku ni,aku boleh senaraikan beberapa org je yg rajin kemas rumah..rajin sapu lantai,rajin mop,rajin cuci bilik air..dan ade jugak r sorang 2 yg mmg aku rasa xpenah wat sume keje tuh..geram gak r sbb xmo gadoh2,biarkan je r walau hati,aku wat plan,xpayah mandi ag(sbb slalunye bn tido,wajib mandi trs)..kemas bilik,lap kipas yg dah berhabuk,simpan semua buku2 yg xdigunakan lagi,sapu bahagian tingkat bawah,mop lantai kat dapur n last sekali memasak...uittt!!!adalah daam sejam lebih aku buat semua tuh..bila da siap,fuhhhh!!!lega oooo..dari atas samapai bawah,licin la rasa selesa nak pijak..dapur pun,licin jek..wangi jek..hihihi..
~untuk makan hari ini,aku xmasak sgt r..malas..lagipun,tom yam semalam ada lagi..aku jus panaskan jek dan goreng 2 ekor ikan..nak bagi ''nyakut'',aku sertakan budu sekali..huhu..habis r jugak sepinggan nasik..kenyang..ALHAMDULILLAH....
~bace paper hari ini pun ,xde ape yg menarik adalah beberapa brita yg aku bace yg aku rase menarik perhatian adalah dari keratan akhbar new straits times online..

Man dies from self-made fish bomb


PASIR MAS: A man died when a his self-made fish bomb exploded in an incident in Sungai Danau, Kampung Pitok, Tok Uban here yesterday.
Pasir Mas police district chief, ACP Haliludin Rahim, said the incident was reported about 6.50pm and the victim, Abdullah Hassan, 49, was alone on a boat on the river.

"Suddenly the bom exploded in his hand before he could throw it into the water and he was seriously injured and died on the spot," Haliludin told Bernama when met here today.

"His body was found by village folks who came looking for him and his body was sent to the Pasir Mas Hospital for an autopsy," he said. - Bernama

~ni plak kesinambungan dr brite kematian arwah achik spin smlm...moga ALLAH menempatkan arwah dalam kalangan org yg beriman..AMIN..

Achik Spin laid to rest


SEREMBAN: Achik Spin who died in a road accident along Kajang-Seremban Highway (Lekas) yesterday was buried at Tuan Haji Said Muslim cemetery here today.
His remains were taken back to his mother-in-law's house in Taman Desa Ros, Ampangan and then to Taman Bukti surau for prayers before burial at the cemetery at 1pm.

Over 100 people including family members and friends were at the cemetery to show their last respects to Achik.

They include singers Hattan, Siti Nordiana (Nana), Tomok and Lan Kristal.

Achik was killed when the multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) driven by a friend crashed into a signpost, caught fire and exploded at KM 14.7 Lekas at 6.15pm.

Born Abdillah Murad Md Shari, 27, the singer who fronted the group Spin became popular with the song ''Janji Kita''.
He leaves wife H.M. Rose Zaitul Suriani Wati Maarof, daughters Sofia, 3, and Safia, ten-month old.

Rose Zaitul said Achik called her thirty minutes before the accident asking her to be ready to leave but did not mention the destination.
"Later I received a phone call to say that my husband had died in a road accident. I was shocked by the news," she said.

His mother Badariah Awaluddin, 54, said she met Achik at one of his brothers's house two weeks ago.
"Achik was rather quiet and was not his normal self," she said.

Childhood friend Siti Nordiana said she met Achik at Angkasapuri yesterday.

"He was unusually talkative. Since his car was parked quite far, he took a ride in my car at 5.30pm. Suddenly I heard that he had died at 6pm," she said.

Hattan described Achik's death as a loss to Negeri Sembilan while Tomok and Lan Kristal said the news came as a shock to them. - Bernama

~NI plak yg paling kejam aku rasa...seorang ibu mengandung yg dijerut..yang paling tidak dapat diterima akal adalah perutnya dpercayai telah disepak berulang kali sehingga menyebabakan fetus yg berusia 12minggu terkeluar..memang berhati syaitan betul r pelaku nih..apa nak jadi r..tak fikir ke depa,balasan yang akan diterima nanti..tak di dunia,di akhirat kelak..memang tidak berotak betul..tak boleh bayangkan aku kalau cucu cicit pelaku ini diperlakukan sedemikian rupa..apa yang mereka rasa????SUBHANALLAH..apapun,semoga ALLAH SWT melindungi kaum keluargaku dan umat islam..

Pregnant mum's corpse found

By Kalbana Perimbanayagam
KUALA LUMPUR: A jogger made a particularly gruesome discovery at Tasik Perdana on Thursday -- the badly decomposed body of a pregnant woman who had been strangled and stomped on with the foetus forced out.
City police chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu Osman said the discovery was made at 6.20pm after the jogger was overcome by a stench.

He said the woman was believed to have been dead for at least five days before the discovery.

"We found a scarf around her neck which was used to strangle her.

"The more despicable fact of this case was that the victim was kicked and stomped on the abdomen several times, causing her 12-week-old foetus to come out."

He said police did not rule out the possibility that the woman, estimated to be aged between 35 and 40, could have been killed elsewhere before her body was dumped near the lake.
"Police have also yet to determine her identity as there were no identification documents found on her."

Sabtu said the forensics team at the scene found a small Omega watch, helmet, handkerchief and several colourful beads on her neck.

He added that the victim was 170cm tall and had long curly hair.

Sabtu urged anyone who knew of a missing person who matched the victim's description to call the nearest police station or contact investigating officer Assistant Superintendent Chua Wee Seong at 012-2291433.


Seize the Day - Avenged Sevenfold (Official Music Video) [HD]

The Chosen One by Maher Zain.

apa da pada nama?

Apa ada pada nama?

tom yam ayam

~td dlm kol 4 lebih,aku,ila,ekin n kak nah p pekan..saje je jalan2 kat pekan..smpi2 tu,kami p makan kfc dulu..den putar2 carik baju..xjumpe2 pun baju..hukhukh..mase odw nak blk tu,carik nasik krabu,tp xde..frust menonggeng,aku decide nak masak tom ayam r...blk2 umah,lps mandi ape sume,ku masuk dapur n mula wat tom yam ayam..xde r best xpe la..bersyukur jer..huhu..
~td tringt mase dlm bus odw nk p pekan,jumpe ngan kak mira...budak BM same sem ngan aku...bnyk hal yg kami bualkan. sbb lme sgt xjumpa..dlm berbual tu,aku tnye die psl abg mazri,pakwe kak kak mira punya respons,mcm nak xnak jawab jek...kate kak mira,die pun xsure ape status mereka ber2 skunk..aku nak tnye bnyk2 pom,tkt nanti die dah boleh agak r yg mereka ber2 xberapa nak baik skunk ni..ntah la..terkejut gak r  dengarnye..sbb aku tgk abg mazri cam xde r  kak mira crite yg bukan2 psl bag mazri...jus die kate yg die sndri pun xsure dgn status mereka skunk r ..sorang kat cni n sorang kat sane..cinta jarak jauh begini la jadinya... abg mazri ni dah posting kat negeri sabah...ermmmmm..ntah la..kalau xde jodoh,nak wat cam mane kan..kate org,sebelum kite berjjumpa dgn org yg betul,kite akan berjumpa dgn org yg salah dulu..dr kite menyesal kemudian kelak,baik kite bersedih dulu skunk..yg penting,masa hadapan nanti,kite aka bahagia..xpela,harap2 kak mira bahagia hendaknya walau dengan sesiapa saja yg telah ALLAH SWT tentukan dengan nya..AMIN..

~TD kawn aku ada hantar link psl brite kematian achik spin..SUBHANALLAH..terkejut sgt dengan brite tuh..arwah masih muda kalau nak 28 nak wat camne kan..ajal maut xkire umur n segalanya..semoga arwah ditempatkan dalam kalangan org yg beriman..AMIN...ermmm,dgr brite nih,rasa tkt plak..kematian datang tanpa diduga..brpa banyakkah bekal yg akan aku bawak ke alam sana nanti?YA ALLAH..betapa aku takut..betapa aku selama ini lalai dengan keindahan dunia..asyik mengejar kenikmatan dan kesenangan duniawi tanpa memikirkan di akhirat kelak..adakah aku akan ditempatkan bersama kalangan orang2 yg soleh ataupun kalangan yang lalai?sememangnya aku perlu berubah...insyaALLAH,aku akan berubah secara perlahan lahan....usia aku pun bukan semakin muda..tetapi semakin tua..apa yang pasti,kalaupun aku ditakdirkan meninggal pada usia muda,biarlah cukup segala bekalan untuk diguna pakai pada alam yang abadi itu..AMIN...

~exam tinggal seminggu aku xstudy ape plak aku ade pinjam novel dr kak nah bertajuk 'kopi susu sepat biru''..according to kak nah,this story is quite aku pinjam r..da bace brape interesting gak,i decided malam ni nak bace novel ni dulu..pastu br nak start study(hope so)..hihihihi..sbnrnye,aku ni dr dulu mmg suke bace novel..kat umah tu,banyak dah koleksi novel...malay ade,english pun sejak aku masuk u ni,hobi ni makin berkurang dah..hakhak..mayb sebab xsempat nak bace kat kalau cuti sem,mmg aku gomol abis2..aku ulang bace berkali2x..hihiihihi..

~wo ai ni