the world is just awesome...

the world is just awesome...
twinkle twinkle little stars*******

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~yahuuuuuu!!!aku rasa cm nak menjerit more adalah my last paper for this sem..but i dunt want talk about my performanced just now..useless..hehe..i know my ability..but i still hope for 'B +' at least..hhehe...waaaaa,abis je exam,me,zara,dayah n wan p lepak kat restoran sahabat..well,where else can we go kalo berada kat area tg malim nih..hehehe..well,we have few good plans for tonight..first,karaoke( good plan ker?) kat area behrang or idol jek..then,p lepak kat western restaurant iaitu tempat ila bekerja..then,mundar mandir ke sane cni r..well,zara is going back to sarawak da,that means,we will only see each other again 2 months later r which is in july..2 months tu..well,at least we still can have good times together again next sem..the other next sem,we will leave UPSI da for our praktikum..what will happen to us arghh???huhu..

~daaaa!!!!huhu...even exam da abis,i still can't go back to my hometown yet...well,if i still stick to my first plan,tomorow night, i will leave this place for my lovely place ''kelantan''..hehe..but then,i decided to become a liosin officer during kayak championship in this 10-17 of may in putrajaya..what will i do during that days??ermmmm... i will become a translator maybe..this championship is international level,so,there will also candidates from other countries such as philipines,thailand and etc(can't remember..hehe:))so,may job is (as been told by lily~but she's also not sure),to be with them(international ''kayaker''..hehe) and make everything easier for them cos according to lily,all the international kayakers can speak english but they dont understand malay,whenever they want to communicate or do sth,we will help them...of course this is not for free..we will be pay RM30 a day (rm30 a day..if 8days???)..well,actually,thats the main reason i want to join this..hhee..besides that, i also want to test my communication skills..well,i have to start doing sth from now on because only 1 more sem to go before praktikum( the most challenging semester as an upsi's student)..during praktikum, i will bring along two big names...UPSI and TESL...what  a big responsibility..but,this is my future..i dont want to ''makan gaji buta''..i will become a teacher(mayb about 2 or 1 year n half later),but not only a teacher as in name only,but a real teacher..i want to share my knowledge with my students (what knowledge that i have for now??wink wink)....waaaaaaaa...bla bla bla and bla bla bla..that's y i think i should join this programme..

~apa ag erk nak tulis??ermm...stop r jap!!! \m/^.^\m/

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