the world is just awesome...

the world is just awesome...
twinkle twinkle little stars*******

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ermm..lots of my friends are married now..and this EID,my friends CT and Jarif are also get married..this couple are in love since we were in form 3..its have been 10 happy for them..

ME?well,i dont think im ready for it yet..still need to wait for 1 or 2 problem,but d most important is,bf problem..hehe..dont have bf.aiisshhh...but no worry about it..i know that my ''soul partner'' is somewhere out there..just dun meet him yet..insyaALLAH one day..i'll pray to ALLAH that HE will give one guy who will take care of me and willing to spend his time,energy and everythng for me..and my promise is,i will love him and take good care of him..because i believe,he is one of my most precious reward that ALLAH gives me...insyaALLAH..btw,for my friends out there who r  in the same shoes as me,wish u all happiness..:)

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